If you encounter usability issues with Foreign Policy mobile app, such as content loading issues and general operational glitches, please follow the troubleshooting recommendations below.
Note: If you purchase your subscription through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, please go here for more information.
Logging in
First, ensure you are using the same login credentials that you use on our website to access content on our mobile app. If you purchased your subscription through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, please go here for more information.
Technical issues
Foreign Policy launches updated versions of its mobile app on a regular basis, introducing improved functionality and addressing issues through fixes. To resolve any technical issues, first follow the recommendations below.
- Check your device’s app store for the latest updates. Update to the latest version for the best experience. Fully close and relaunch the app for any changes to take effect.
- Attempt to reinstall the app. If the problem persists or you encounter operational difficulties preventing these steps, delete the app from your device and proceed to download it again. You will need to login to your account after redownloading the app, but your saved articles and My FP preferences will be unaffected.
To report any bugs or escalate your issue, please contact Foreign Policy support at support@foreignpolicy.com for further assistance.